Saturday, December 13, 2008

National Bingo site back with a bang

This week we are pleased to announce that the National Bingo site, the face of the most famous play live bingo in the country, is back online.

After the shock announcement that Gala Bingo was leaving the National Game back in August, the site went silent. In fact since Gala left, the UK bingo site hadn't had a new update until last week leading many to believe that the site had been abandoned.

So what's the big bingo sites news?

After all this time you would think that an announcement that effectively resurrects a site that has been inactive for 6 months would be a big one - and you'd be absolutely right.

In fact the site is promoting the Xmas Bingo Bonus on Sunday 21st December, where one lucky player could walk away with a £250,000 jackpot! In order to be the one who gets their Xmas present early all you have to do is bingo in 55 numbers or less, and the Platinum Jackpot cheque could accompany you home.

You can still sign up for regular updates from the site via text or email regarding g the National Game. Fill in the simple form and hopefully if the site remains online you'll be kept up to date as to what's going on near you.

We hope that this breakthrough from the National Game site isn't just for Xmas as the live bingo industry needs as much promotion and help to survive the downturn as possible.

News Sources:- Bingo Hideout
Written by Charlotte
Friday, 12 December 2008

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